Water resource conservation and environmental protection as a priority of Uzbekistan-2030 strategy
- 12.09.2023
- 822
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev's decree PF-158 of September 11, 2023 adopted the strategy for the development of Uzbekistan until 2030.
In strategy
several priority goals and 5 main tasks are set, one of which is the conservation of Water Resources and the protection of the environment.
As part of the reforms to save water resources, it is planned to increase the culture of rational use of water in the Republic, develop irrigation system and water-saving technologies, widely introduce mechanisms of private sector management and public-private partnership within the framework of the wide implementation of green energy technologies, reduce the consumption of electricity by pumping stations.
It is also possible to plant 200 million bushes of trees every year and increase the greenery level in the Republic by 30%, create a system of care and irrigation of each tree to be planted, increase the area of green areas in Tashkent by 5 times, increase to 5 thousand hectares, increase the preparation of forest-covered areas in the Republic by 6.1 million hectares, , as a measure against dust-sand storms and temperature rises, a total of 600 thousand hectares of “green covers” – the creation of protective forests, increasing the coverage rate with solid household waste collection and removal services by 100%, the recycling rate by 65%, reducing the amount of pollutants being discharged into the atmosphere by 10.5%, and other important tasks were established.
Reforms in the field of Environmental Protection are aimed at radically improving the environmental situation in the Republic, eliminating environmental problems affecting human life, stabilizing the ecological situation, expanding the green space national project aimed at expanding the area of forests, stabilizing the ecological situation in the Aral Sea and mitigating the negative impact of environmental problems caused by the construction of the Aral Sea, preventing, it provides for strict measures to improve the quality of the collection and removal service of solid household waste and to prevent air pollution, to preserve its natural composition.
It is worth noting that among the 5 main ideas of the Uzbekistan-2030 strategy adopted in order to realize the will of our people towards the establishment of a free and prosperous, powerful new Uzbekistan, the creation of favorable environmental conditions for the population is also a special place.